Business & Tech

Businesses: Claim Your FREE Listing On JohnstonPatch!

Claim your listing on JohnstonPatch and update your info, photos, upload a menu, view stats and more. It's free. Thousands of people end up in our Places directory every month. Take advantage of it.

Each day, lots of people on the Internet land in our directory as they look for hours of operations, menus, phone numbers and other information about businesses in Johnston.

Did you know that as the owner of a local business, you get FREE extra bonuses when you claim a listing?

Owners or managers should search for their business listing and select "Claim your listing" in order to make updates to the page — see the attached photo to located the claim link.

Interested in local real estate?Subscribe to Patch's new newsletter to be the first to know about open houses, new listings and more.

After you click the link, a form will pop up asking for your name, contact information, and proof of ownership.

Within a few days, someone from Patch should contact you to verify your authenticity, and then you'll be approved as the business owner. Once approved, you'll have a "Manage Your Listing" button on the top of your Places page. Click the button to be taken to your dashboard.

Interested in local real estate?Subscribe to Patch's new newsletter to be the first to know about open houses, new listings and more.

From the dashboard, you can make changes and updates to your listing. On the left side of the dashboard you have several options: Your Stats, Edit listing, Manage Photos & Media, Reviews, Free Tools, Paid Tools, and Contact Sales.

[Don't have a listing? Let us know! Email Editor Joe Hutnak at]

Your Stats:

Here you can see how many users have rated, reviewed or follow your listing. You can e-mail your customers to seek out more reviews, and link the Patch Place to your Facebook or Twitter account.

Edit Listing:

Add photos, website information, hours of operation, contact information and more under the "basic info" tab. Some of this information cannot be changed, but you can request a new description if you think your business is inaccurately described.

Choose "extra info" to add information like the founding date of your business, what kinds of payments you accept, if there's street parking or a lot, and much more.

Manage Photos & Media:

Here you can add and edit photos and choose which image is featured. If you have video or PDFs, you would add that here too.


You can see what people have to say about your business.

Free Tools:

Post events and add job openings to our classifieds section, also known as the Marketplace.

Paid Tools:

You can upgrade your listing with a video profile, add a message from the owner and become a featured business on the Places page for a fee. Learn more about these options and how to get in touch with a sales team member.

So claim your listing today to help keep JohnstonPatch users up to date with your company and keep your listing looking fresh. And if you claim your listing, email JohnstonPatch Editor Joe Hutnak at and let him know if you think you have a good business feature story idea.

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